Increasingly requested in recent years, psychologist online consultancy makes it possible to facilitate those who are far from their psicologo Lecce and at the same time make them feel at ease in their family environment. The psychologist online consultancy service can be carried out via Skype or other similar platforms, telephone, email or WhatsApp and therefore not in person in the offices of Dr. Ferrara Marco, in Milan, Rome, Lecce, Olbia.


How are online psychotherapy sessions carried out?
Here is a useful handbook.

specialista Psicologo Online | Lecce | Firenze | Milano

Telephone consultation
If you are not very familiar with IT or have an internet connection at home or prefer a vocal approach, you can opt for this type of treatment.


Video calls

Certainly much more complete than telephone consultation, thanks to the video call, which can be carried out via Skype or WhatsApp, it also allows you to analyze facial expressions, postures and gestures, characteristics that allow a more complete study of the patient.


Email or WhatsApp

The consultation can also be carried out through the exchange of e-mails and messages on WhatsApp, recommended for those who are afraid of speaking verbally.








Payment is made by bank transfer to a bank account and must be received by the day before the appointment. This will be followed by a tax receipt, which will be sent to the customer’s email inbox and VAT will be deductible in the tax return, together with the other healthcare services received.

If, for any reason, it is necessary to reschedule the appointment, you can call or send an email via the CONTACT form within 24 hours of the scheduled consultation date. Outside this margin, the appointment may be rescheduled but will not be compensated in the event of cancellation or failure to appear at the agreed time.



Psicologo online consultancy services via call and video call are the responsibility of the user and last
60 minutes .

Consultancy services via email or WhatsApp last 30 minutes .



To access the online consultancy service it is necessary to call directly on +39 351 704 7134 or fill out the form in order to agree on methods and times.



Online/telephone consultations will be provided in accordance with the guidelines for psychologist online services via internet and remotely. This document ensures that the services provided via the web satisfy the ethical principles and rules as per the psicologo Lecce professional code of ethics (recognizability of the professional psicologo Lecce, identification of the user, protection of the transaction, confidentiality, appropriateness). We inform you that the data provided will be kept strictly confidential and will be used exclusively by Dr. Ferrara Marco and that under no circumstances they will be disclosed or made known to third parties.

To protect himself, the patient, before starting any therapeutic process – and therefore before the first session of any type (in the studio or online) – must complete a form for consent to the processing of personal data, compliant with the 2016 European Regulation / 679 (General Data Protection Regulation) and art. 13 of the Legislative Decree. 196/2003 (so-called “Privacy Code”). For online consultations, the form must be printed, filled out, signed by hand and sent together with an identification document and the health card to, mandatory for verifying the possibility of sending invoices issued via the Card System Healthcare.

Furthermore, the provision of services by the doctor requires advance payment.

In the absence of even one of these last two conditions, the service cannot be provided.

All online consultancy services are intended for adults.


The costs incurred for psychologist online Consultancy sessions are included among healthcare expenses and are therefore tax deductible.

The psicologo Lecce is a healthcare professional like any other medical specialist.

Going to the psicologo Lecce is not “having a chat”, it is not “calling him only when I need it”.


Going to the psicologo Firenze
is first of all and above all a PATH which, if done with consistency and commitment, significantly improves the quality of your life in the long term.

Furthermore, the psicologo Firenze
is bound to professional secrecy which is regulated by
Articles 1,12 and 13 of the Code of Ethics of Italian Psychologists.

specialista Psicologo Online | Lecce | Firenze | Milano




Specialist Clinical psicologo Firenze and Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapist


Dr. Ferrara Marco, Clinical psicologo Firenze and Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapist. Graduated from the Vita Salute San Raffaele University of Milan. He collaborated in the psychiatry and clinical psychology department of the San Raffaele hospital in Milan and collaborates in the psychiatry and clinical psychology department of the Sacco hospital in Milan. He has also collaborated in the field of work psychology, as a recruiter and personnel selection. He carries out freelance psychologist online
clinical activity in private practices.

The online psychologist: with you everywhere you are

From tablet, phone or computer?All you need is a simple video call to get the Psicologo online
support you need
wherever you are !

Choose the time and day you prefer based on your needs, you will be able to carry out your Psicologo online journey online, speaking with your psychologist even when you are abroad.




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Psicologo Online

Dr. Marco Ferrara offers his skills as a specialist Clinical Psychologist and Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapist in the cities of Lecce, Milan, Rome and online

Rome - Milan - Lecce and online

Telephone: +39 351 704 7134

MONDAY TO FRIDAY: 9:00 AM – 09:00 PM

SATURDAY: 10:00 AM – 6 :00 PM


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